"Scammers often rely on the greed and dishonesty of the mark, who may attempt to out-cheat the con artist, only to discover that he or she has been manipulated into losing from the very beginning. This is such a general principle in confidence tricks that there is a saying among con men that "you can't cheat an honest man." - Scams

This book is about dishonesty - from street level to Cyberworld . It describes the common scams in circulation today and their origins. It shows how each fraud is perpetrated and how the informed reader can avoid or at least minimise their losses when faced with the scenario. If after reading this book you still manage to get scammed, you deserve to be put facing a corner with a dunce cap on your head and whipped with your empty wallet !

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Language : English ; Pages :189 ; Binding Perfect-bound Paperback :

Wednesday, August 1, 2012





---------- Original Message ----------
From: JOSEPH  LOPEZ <ddjlopze25@gmail.com>
To: egcecere1987@yahoo.com, avista@thejuiceonline.com, xjamesml@sbcglobal.net, sarajhansen2003@yahoo.com, mtrapasso@aol.com, gelati_snf@msn.com, amyfromgi@roadrunner.com, uncwhittala@yahoo.com, amfoxline@msn.com, cdtomei@yahoo.com, estack@bellsouth.net, rsaunders2@triad.rr.com, eleveness@hotmail.com, bigkat48@hotmail.com, 14621@ac.com, heatherraewilson@hotmail.com, misfits02021@yahoo.com, pvsfinest@yahoo.com, swkb50@sify.com, cmmac01@yahoo.com, bentheo@verizon.net, lcmodica@yahoo.com, arobertsdetroit@gol.com, ebonicsguidetoshakespeare@gmail.com, denise.aboujamra@gmail.com, sylas_r@hotmail.com, timi@ensap.com, keicia99@yahoo.com, monkeysonthemoon@yahoo.com, shruthisreedharan@yahoo.com, cymartin@netins.net, very_lena@hotmail.com, staceycarrigan@hotmail.com, missediva@yahoo.com, eli_law_student@hotmail.com, ieatbugz316@aim.com, brianrickman@urbanradio.fm, coolguy_m81@yahoo.com, bradrenfrox@yahoo.de, nandimrinal@gmail.com, nicolas_figueiredo@yahoo.com, cyba007@yahoo.com, fgross_1@yahoo.com, ggibson@pacu.com, compgirl22@fastmail.net, a_schiffino@hotmail.com, peekusha2000@yahoo.com, kelleyp@nebonet.com, bonitamcclintock85@gmail.com, holdyerhorses@hotmail.com, mr59240@appstate.edu, steph@stephaniedray.com, bokenner@gmail.com, dbarkman1968@yahoo.com, andrew.burson@gmail.com, katvogel@gmail.com, shaneyblue@gmail.com, anthony.mongiello@vm-cap.com, clif.moberg@sbcglobal.net, teptom514769@yahoo.com, indrasis_kar@sancharnet.in, ilovecavies@gmail.com, elcid49@netscape.net, misko.lencek.inagaki@gmail.com, chadandkim@udata.com, glynnis.m@gmail.com, lizzylovesben2002@yahoo.com, david.stephanus@gmail.com, graemefitzsimmons@yahoo.com, sein5a5b@hotmail.com, chaznealjr@yahoo.com, pschroeder06@gmail.com, brittaniebaby@hotmail.com, maritza.chairez@colorado.edu, vnava26@gmail.com, princess_nikki2u@yahoo.com, lara@minnesotaturkey.com, wattz@gnt.net, legacylee@gmail.com, findingnemo92456@yahoo.com, ninisuga@yahoo.com, fyager@aol.com, peter@samsoncomics.com, ssroads@gmail.com, gr8dc2b@adelphia.net, lickingposts@yahoo.com, trplatt@networld.com, pu6@msn.com, mopo@highstream.net, mdb283@nyu.edu, tut_hill@hotmail.com, sms516@worldnet.att.net, kelli.marie@mac.com, bzlivinlife@yahoo.com, terrence@gladneysolutions.com, jragondesigns@yahoo.com, abe.mohapatra@gmail.com, daniel.w.reynolds@gmail.com, detroit45_99@yahoo.com, lbcnatedogg@yahoo.com
Date: 31 July 2012 at 00:40



Do accept my sincere apology if my mail does not meet your personal ethics.Am MR JOSE LOPEZ, chief accountant,payment department UNION BANK OF NIGERIA.I am making this contact to you based on (1st)This can only be SCAM/FRAUD if my colleagues in the office are allowed to divert your money into their various private account.(2nd)You bear the same LAST NAME with my CLIENT(3rd)According to the short listed names from his past phone calls and emails; you appeared as one of the  most regular close person. We assumed you the NEXT OF KIN.

I apologized using this medium to reach you for a transaction/business of this magnitude, but this is due to Confidentiality and prompt access reposed on this medium. In unfolding this truth, I want to count on you, as a respected and honest person to handle this transaction with sincerity, trust and confidentiality.

He opened an account with our bank in 2008 under fixed to end in 2011.Dormant since then, after going through some old files in the records, I discovered that if I do not remit this money out urgently to the rightful NEXT OF KIN, it would be share among my colleagues. This deposit was for 3 years and upon maturity I made effort to contact my client,but could not reach him or know his where about. The account has no other beneficiary and my investigation proved to me as well that his company does not know anything about this account.

The money involved is $45,000,000.00 USD (Forty Five Million USD Only) .

I beg your utmost attention on this:Write my Bank for this claim as the beneficiary of this fund.

Why you may ask?

After some several meetings;Am surprise to be informed by my colleagues that they receive an account information from one Lawrence R. Larson that you instructed him to receive the supposed total fund on your behalf as your NEXT OF KIN with a report that you have an accident.With a sent email together with his account information's that his ready to pay and obtain the CERTIFICATE OF LEGALITY to secure the fund on your behalf. His owner with the account information below.

ACCOUNT NAME: Lawrence R. Larson, D.Th.
BANK NAME: Independent Bankers Bank of Florida.
BANK ADDRESS: Address: 615 Crescent Executive Court.
CITY: Lake Mary
STATE: Florida
ZIP CODE: 32746
ACCOUNT ABA #: 063111596
NO Swift Code.

Kindly furnish me with these information's below as a proof that we are
dealing with the right person, and that you sent Lawrence R. Larson,
to claim your fund as your NEXT OF KIN.

(1) Your full name (2) Age (3) Occupation (4) Direct Phone Number (5) Contact Address.

I have reposed confidence in you and hope that you will not disappoint me.
Thank you in anticipation of your co-operation.
B Regards


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